Monday, October 27, 2008

Discovering Minerals

Our most recent science lesson, from Rocks and Minerals Unit, was called "Discovering Minerals". Our science groups were given three minerals, feldspar, quartz, and galena.

We used our magnifing classes to look at each mineral and then we wrote notes describing what we saw.

Next, we looked at our twelve rock samples and predicted which rocks might have tiny pieces of these minerals in them.

Galena Mineral Prediction

The following number of students from our class think that the mineral Galena is in the following rocks. # of students / groups:

  • Granite 2
  • Gneiss 3
  • Limestone 1
  • Shale 1
  • Sandstone 1
  • Obsidian 1
  • Basalt 1
  • Slate 2
  • Marble 2
  • Schist 3

Feldspar Mineral Predictions

The following number of students from room 206 at Pennell think that the mineral Feldspar is in the following rocks.

6 students/groups think feldspar is in granite.

1 student/group think feldspar is in gneiss.

1 student/group think feldspar is in conglomerate.

1 student/group think feldspar is in shale.

Quartz Mineral Prediction

My classmates and I think that the mineral quartz is in the following rocks:

1 student/group think quartz is in limestone.

5 students/groups think quartz is in obsidian.

1 student / group think quartz is in pumice.

7 students / groups think quartz is in marble.

2 students/ groups think quartz

After more investigation, we will let you know how close our predictions were.