Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Fun with Science
What was the volume of the ice after you froze it the water ?
What was the difference in volume after you froze the water?
Write a sentence to describe what happens to the volume ?
Draw a picture of a vial of frozen water.
Draw a picture of a vial of liquid water.
What happen when we were looking at the vial before we froze it?
What happened when we were looking at it after we froze the vial?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Investigation #2- Build a Thermometer
What happened when you put the bottle-and-straw setup in a cup of ice cold water ?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Water on a Slope-Investigation 1
Take a look...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Looking at Water- Investigation 1
Trivia Questions:
1. How much of the earth is covered in water?
2. What are the 3 different forms of water?
3. True or False: Do all living things need water?
Try to figure out the answers!
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by : Haley Domzalski, Olivia Lambert, Olivia Warren, and Anthony Soscia!
From Ms. Palladino and Mrs. Pot:
We discussed two properties today in science that we observed yesterday...what were they?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Describing the Colors of Minerals
Our class did a streak test on minerals to see their true color. We had to wear gloves while handeling the minerals because it could irritate our skin. We worked in groups of two. We tested about 12 minerals with one black and one white tile. One of the green and white minerals turned out black on the white block. We could not touch the minerals. One mineral appeared completely white but when scratched appeared black. All of us wrote what the streak color was in our journals. Some minerals kind of surprised us because of how the streak color turned out.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Discovering Minerals
We used our magnifing classes to look at each mineral and then we wrote notes describing what we saw.
Next, we looked at our twelve rock samples and predicted which rocks might have tiny pieces of these minerals in them.
Galena Mineral Prediction
The following number of students from our class think that the mineral Galena is in the following rocks. # of students / groups:
- Granite 2
- Gneiss 3
- Limestone 1
- Shale 1
- Sandstone 1
- Obsidian 1
- Basalt 1
- Slate 2
- Marble 2
- Schist 3
Feldspar Mineral Predictions
The following number of students from room 206 at Pennell think that the mineral Feldspar is in the following rocks.
6 students/groups think feldspar is in granite.
1 student/group think feldspar is in gneiss.
1 student/group think feldspar is in conglomerate.
1 student/group think feldspar is in shale.
Quartz Mineral Prediction
My classmates and I think that the mineral quartz is in the following rocks:
1 student/group think quartz is in limestone.
5 students/groups think quartz is in obsidian.
1 student / group think quartz is in pumice.
7 students / groups think quartz is in marble.
2 students/ groups think quartz
After more investigation, we will let you know how close our predictions were.